The Forbidden Archive
Vampire Chronicles

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Members: 2727
Series: 5
Stories: 366
Chapters: 1208
Word count: 1870746
Authors: 90
Reviews: 667
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Poison by Black Winged MA
Daniel is slowly poisoning himself with drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Armand...

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DDR2010: The Game by Sanguinity T
This story is set several years after canon ends, in the wake of Blood Canticle...

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Of Bedknobs and Handcuffs by Addie MA
Lestat and Louis try to hide their relationship from the rest of the coven.


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Summary: Lestat & crew (Your choice) are suddenly thrust into a wild adventure. A mysterious princess must be rescued, a hazardous journey must be taken by ship (Sea or star worthy- Space pirate Lestat anyone?). Must include a masquerade ball. Other than those requirements, let your imagination run wild. This can be an adult fic, a humorous fic, a drama, or a contemporary adventure. It is up to you. Must be at least 6 pages. Nothing obnoxiously short please. Good luck!
Categories: Adult, Drama, Sci-Fi Characters: Lestat (Books)
Summary: Louis is captured by some evil being and Lestat sets out to save him while Armand tries to get to Louis first to prove his love.
Categories: Drama, Romance, Angst Characters: Lestat (Books), Louis (Books)
Summary: Choose two characters who share a feud or generally distrust or despise each other. Write a piece about them being forced to cooperate in some way and what happens as a result.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Just want to see Jack and Ennis become vampires. Plenty of angst available for Ennis there. Now he's queer and a bloodsucker! XD Now Jack dies in 1983 and Lestat wakes in 1984 for keep that in mind.
Categories: None Characters: None