Title: Drabble Dimanche Volume I by AgeOfLight
Rated: [Reviews - 6]
Rated: [Reviews - 6]
Summary: Contributions to the Drabble Dimanche writing prompts (100 words per prompt) that occur weekly on the LiveJournal community VC_Media.
Category: Adult, Angst, Contemporary, Drama, Ficlets, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Armand (Books), Daniel (Books), Lestat (Books), Marius
Spoilers: Blood and Gold, Interview with the Vampire, Memnoch the Devil, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 40 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 9547 | Read count: 6704
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Published: October 25, 2010 | Updated: April 18, 2012
Category: Adult, Angst, Contemporary, Drama, Ficlets, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Armand (Books), Daniel (Books), Lestat (Books), Marius
Spoilers: Blood and Gold, Interview with the Vampire, Memnoch the Devil, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 40 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 9547 | Read count: 6704
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Published: October 25, 2010 | Updated: April 18, 2012
Title: Drabble Dimanche Volume II by AgeOfLight
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Rated: [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Second volume of contributions to the Drabble Dimanche writing prompts (100 words per prompt) that occur weekly on the LiveJournal community VC_Media.
Category: Adult, Angst, Contemporary, Drama, Ficlets, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Daniel (Books), Lestat (Books)
Spoilers: Blood and Gold, Interview with the Vampire, Memnoch the Devil, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 905 | Read count: 326
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Published: May 26, 2012 | Updated: December 10, 2012
Category: Adult, Angst, Contemporary, Drama, Ficlets, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Daniel (Books), Lestat (Books)
Spoilers: Blood and Gold, Interview with the Vampire, Memnoch the Devil, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 905 | Read count: 326
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Published: May 26, 2012 | Updated: December 10, 2012
Title: Fluorescence by Sanguinity
Rated: [Reviews - 2]
Rated: [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Daniel gets rocked by waves of sensory overload one night; Armand tries to stem the tide.
Category: Other
Characters: Armand (Books), Daniel (Books)
Spoilers: Queen of the Damned
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 741 | Read count: 219
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Published: February 04, 2010 | Updated: February 04, 2010
Category: Other
Characters: Armand (Books), Daniel (Books)
Spoilers: Queen of the Damned
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 741 | Read count: 219
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Published: February 04, 2010 | Updated: February 04, 2010
Title: How I Became the Vampires' Therapist by Melanthios
Rated: [Reviews - 2]
Rated: [Reviews - 2]
Category: Contemporary, Ficlets, Meditations, Other
Characters: Armand (Books)
Spoilers: Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Armand
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2501 | Read count: 159
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Published: May 03, 2010 | Updated: May 03, 2010
My first patient was an eccentric billionaire kid with sad eyes and an empty voice, who demanded sessions in the middle of the night and insisted his life story couldn't be told in one-hour sessions. Little did I know he wasn't exaggerating. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
Category: Contemporary, Ficlets, Meditations, Other
Characters: Armand (Books)
Spoilers: Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Armand
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2501 | Read count: 159
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Published: May 03, 2010 | Updated: May 03, 2010
Title: Living with Vampires by Kankurosnumber1girl
Rated: [Reviews - 4]
Rated: [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Who expects that when they go outside they wind up in the 1800s with vampires and other creatures of the night lurking about? Not Lily Cartwright, yet it happened to her and this is her story. (I own nothing but oc characters. Lestat, Louis, Claudia etc. Do not own. May get higher rating later)
Category: Drama, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Lestat (Books)
Spoilers: Interview with the Vampire
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 33399 | Read count: 215
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Published: February 07, 2013 | Updated: July 05, 2013
Category: Drama, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Lestat (Books)
Spoilers: Interview with the Vampire
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 | Completed: No | Word count: 33399 | Read count: 215
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Published: February 07, 2013 | Updated: July 05, 2013
Title: On Your Mark by Gairid
Rated: [Reviews - 1]
Rated: [Reviews - 1]
Category: Contemporary, Other, Romance
Characters: Lestat (Books), Louis (Books)
Spoilers: None
Challenge: None
Series: Odyssey
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2315 | Read count: 243
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Published: November 09, 2009 | Updated: November 09, 2009
Lestat becomes annoyed with a brief commotion outside the window of their New Orleans townhouse. Slice of life with a definite New Orleans flavor…it’s a fun piece.
Category: Contemporary, Other, Romance
Characters: Lestat (Books), Louis (Books)
Spoilers: None
Challenge: None
Series: Odyssey
Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 2315 | Read count: 243
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Published: November 09, 2009 | Updated: November 09, 2009
Title: Soundtrack To The Vampire Chronicles by The_Brat_Princess
Rated: [Reviews - 1]
Rated: [Reviews - 1]
Summary: A soundtrack created by me during the time I read the Chronicles and the Mayfair Witches, plus explanations as to why I picked the songs... For anyone who might want something to play while they read the rock and roll passages of "Queen Of The Damned", perhaps :)
Category: Contemporary, Meditations, Other
Characters: Original Character(s)
Spoilers: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1778 | Read count: 58
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Published: March 23, 2011 | Updated: March 23, 2011
Category: Contemporary, Meditations, Other
Characters: Original Character(s)
Spoilers: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 1778 | Read count: 58
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Published: March 23, 2011 | Updated: March 23, 2011
Title: Tales From The Night Island by SirenofSaturn
Rated: [Reviews - 40]
Rated: [Reviews - 40]
Summary: Ever curious about what transpired during the Coven's caravan from California to Miami? Or what occurred on the Night Island during that time our dear Coven was together? This is just my attempt at what could have been. Dealing with Lestat's depression over Akasha, his reunion with Louis, as well as the other coven members coming together.
Category: Drama, Ficlets, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Akasha, Armand (Books), Daniel (Books), Eric, Gabrielle, Jesse, Khayman, Lestat (Books), Louis (Books), Mael, Maharet, Marius, Mekare, Pandora, Santino
Spoilers: Interview with the Vampire, Pandora, Queen of the Damned, The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 | Completed: No | Word count: 32974 | Read count: 4812
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Published: August 23, 2011 | Updated: December 11, 2012
Category: Drama, Ficlets, Humor, Other, Romance
Characters: Akasha, Armand (Books), Daniel (Books), Eric, Gabrielle, Jesse, Khayman, Lestat (Books), Louis (Books), Mael, Maharet, Marius, Mekare, Pandora, Santino
Spoilers: Interview with the Vampire, Pandora, Queen of the Damned, The Vampire Armand, The Vampire Lestat
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 | Completed: No | Word count: 32974 | Read count: 4812
[Report This]
Published: August 23, 2011 | Updated: December 11, 2012